Vision affects behaviour, attention, learning and processing. Different parts of our brain are activated through different stimuli. Find out how GreenSeas Trust has on capitalised on peripheral vision to change littering behaviour.
Plastic production, where will it all go?
From packaging to electronics, construction materials to clothing, plastics are everywhere. This rapid expansion of plastic use is outpacing the development of effective waste management solutions.
Halloween – A Plastic Horror Show
Every year at Halloween, thousands of tonnes of plastic waste are generated from millions of plastic-laden costumes, single-use decorations, and sweet wrappers.
Beyond the Squawk: Concern for UK’s sea birds
The cacophony of screeching gulls swooping down to swipe some of your chips may seem a nuisance, but seabirds help to maintain balance in marine environments.
The Hidden Dangers of Reusing Single-Use Plastic Water Bottles
Single-use plastic water bottles are designed for one-time use, meaning it degrades rapidly. Reusing these water bottles might be more dangerous than you think.
Returning to the Source: Plastic River Pollution
Even before the plastic flows into the sea, it can wreak havoc on river ecosystems. It kills wildlife, harms the water quality.
Kelp As a Plastic Alternative
Packaging made from kelp is biodegradable and non-toxic. At the end of its life cycle they won’t pollute our planet or break down into microplastics. But is the picture all rosy?
Stressed about climate change? So are coral reefs!
If you’ve experienced prolonged stress, you know the toll it can take on your mind and your body. Believe it or not, something similar happens to corals under stress – coral bleaching.
Garbage Patches: The peppery soup of microplastics
Within our oceans lie sprawling, swirling masses of plastic waste. There are five of these gyres also know as garbage patches.
Do you take your tea with milk, sugar or plastic?
Every time you use a teabag, you are probably releasing a massive amount of microplastics into your mug. Thankfully, there are alternatives!